Nov. 1969
| SHINNIHON KAGAKU MFG., LTD. established with start-up capital of 500,000 yen. Development, manufacture, and sales of laser equipment (including He-Ne, CO2 and ruby lasers) and peripheral laser equipment commence. |
Jan. 1976
| Development, manufacture and sales of laser devices for measurement of external diameters commence. |
Mar. 1982
| Production of optical system for laser fusion at Osaka University commence. |
Jan. 1983
| Development, manufacture and sales of far-infrared laser equipment commence. |
Feb. 1984
| Optical system for erasable laser disks developed. |
Jul. 1987
| Increase of capital to 2 million yen. |
Sep. 1989
| Narrow-spectrum dye laser for isotope separation developed for the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institution. |
Mar. 1990
| Development, manufacture and sales of laser devices for measurement of external diameters with auto varnish controller commence. |
Sep. 1991
| Capital increased to 4 million yen. |
May 1993
| Capital increased to 10 million yen. |
Jun. 1994
| Development, manufacture and sales of laser trace cutter commence. |
Aug. 1995
| Manufacture and sales of rider (Laser radar) scanner commence. |
Dec. 1995
| Manufacturing and sales of auto load tester commence. |
Sep. 1997
| Manufacturing and sales of laser processor for V/I/A holes commence. |
Nov. 2000
| Manufacturing and sales of esthetic equipment for optical hair removal commence. |
Jan. 2004
| Juvena Electoron (Shenzhen) Ltd., established in Shenzhen, China. |
Mar. 2005
| Development, manufacture and sales of solar cell simulator commence. |
May 2006
| Development, manufacture and sales of laser marking equipment commence. |